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About Stelmine

Pioneering the New Gold Caniapiscau District in Northern Quebec.


Stelmine has an undeniable head start in the knowledge of the geological potential of the region and is determined to remain the exploration leader in the Caniapiscau district.

Our History

Stelmine was incorporated in 2005 under the Canadian Business Corporations Act. Stelmine is a mining exploration company whose activities are in Quebec (Canada).

Its development strategy is focused on the discovery of economically recoverable reserves.


That’s what it takes to make a high impact mineral discovery.

Intense effort from a top tier team has put Stelmine on the cusp of something truly outstanding in northern Quebec, the discovery of a potential major new gold district in the under-explored eastern side of the 600-km-long mineral-rich Opinaca metasedimentary basin. The west side of this basin (James Bay) features Newmont’s world class Eleonore mine.

Stelmine is demonstrating that the eastern part of this basin has similar geological characteristics and potential, led by the Courcy Property where the company carried out new drilling in 2022.

Stelmine’s holdings are massive – over 939 sq. km with Mercator and Courcy leading the charge. One of the largest iron mines in the world operates near Fermont, about 100 km east of Courcy, so this is a part of the world where big things can happen on the Gold resource front.

Join us on this exciting journey as we aim high and strive to build spectacular shareholder value from the discovery at Mercator, Courcy and other opportunities across Stelmine’s district scale landholdings

Social and Sustainable Development Policy

Our Commitment
Stelmine strives to work with all interested parties to create sustainable prosperity in the long term. The Company pledges to use responsible mining exploration and management practices in all corporate spheres fueling its operational decisions. Project development will be governed by a rigorous approach that is respectful of communities and the environment. To this end, the Company seeks partnerships emphasizing open, transparent communication. Its goal is to be responsible, respected and well received in the communities where it operates.
Governance and Responsible Management
Stelmine applies management procedures promoting respect, transparency, integrity and honesty. It ensures that its managers, employees and sub-contractors understand their social and environmental responsibilities and work towards improvement. The Company’s Board of Directors has passed a resolution honouring the terms of its social and sustainable development policy.
The Company endeavours to minimize the environmental impact of its work by diligently applying environment-related regulations to ensure the long-term viability of natural habitats. It implements sustainable development principles in its management and exploration work.
The Company recognizes the importance of building positive relations with the First Nation and local communities. In the regions where it operates, Stelmine is establishing a constructive dialogue with the community, based on transparency, scientific rigour and education.
Stelmine is determined to maintain the strictest health and safety standards. Its employees receive the tools and training needed to maximize their protection and that of all stakeholders Safety is one of the Company’s priorities. This commitment extends to its employees and also to the professionals it works with.
Stelmine is determined that its project development be respectful of and profitable for its shareholders and the local, First Nation. Its development vision entails generating the greatest possible economic spinoffs in the areas where it operates. The Company emphasizes training local workers and getting community businesses involved to increase economic repercussions for the communities.
Harrassment Policy
On May 30, 2022, the Company adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy in accordance with government requirements. This policy is to affirm the commitment of Stelmine to prevent and put an end to any situation of psychological or sexual harassment within its company, including any form of discriminatory harassment. It also aims to establish the intervention principles applied in the company when a harassment complaint is filed or when a harassment situation is reported to the employer or his representative.

Diversity on Boards of Directors and Executive Management

Since 2016, Stelmine has aimed to build a Board of Directors and executive management team with the objective of improving the Corporation’s performance and enhancing value for its shareholders.

As the role of the Board of Directors and of the executives is to ensure the sound strategic and management orientations of the Corporation, the selection criteria for candidates are primarily based on their qualifications, skills and experience. At the same time, the Company recognizes that diverse Board members and management actively and knowledgeably contribute to the Company’s success by bringing diverse perspectives, backgrounds and experience to the Board.

Stelmine is proud to announce that the positions of President and CEO are held by a woman. For the moment, no other group designated by law, such as First Nation or handicapped persons or members of visible minorities, are represented within the Corporation.

When seeking new candidates, the Corporation takes diversity criteria into account but does not have any policy nor specific targets to achieve, as it believes that all factors must be taken into consideration when assessing the merits of a director or executive officer and determining the most effective composition of the Board.

The Corporation has examined the question of determining whether maximum terms should be imposed on the mandates of each director and will continue to do so. At this time, the Corporation believes that such a policy is not appropriate for its Board of Directors since it wishes to ensure the stability and continuity of the directors’ respective mandates in order to support the Corporation in the current stage of its development.

© Stelmine Canada 2024 / All rights reserved.
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